TC-55 is a full-function optical power meter. It aims at fiber network installation, fiber network engineering acceptance and fiber network maintenance. Combined with optical light source,
it offers a quick and accurate testing solution on both SM and MM fibers. Compared with usual power meters, has more great functions/features such as automatic wavelength
identification and switching, as well as intelligent backlight control. What ’s more, this type has features of good appearance, good touch feeling and considerate humanization design.
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- Wave ID: automatic wavelength identification and switching (combined with handheld light source)
• Frequency ID/Tone detection: automatic frequency identification
• Data storage function: up to 1000 test records
• USB communication port to download the saved testing records
• Reference power level can be set up and stored
• Auto-off function can be activated or deactivated
[/restab][restab title=”Specification”]TC-55 Advanced Optical Power Meter[/restab][/restabs]