Lever Hoist

leverhoistLever Hoist

Elephant Lever Operated Hoist for lifting and pulling in all directions. Quick and easy to handle.

Product No Capacity Kgf Lift mm Chain Diameter
Weight Kg
D-854-02-F 250 1000 4 2.0
D-854-05-F 500 1500 5 3.6
D-854-08-F 800 1500 5.6 6.2
D-854-16-F 1600 1500 7.2 9.5
D-854-31-F 3150 1500 9.0 15.5
D-854-63-F 6300 1500 9.0 x 2 26.5


Ratchet Lever Hoist

Yale Ratchet Lever Hoist PT – ideal for applications where economical value is a decisive factor. Featuring low handle pull, compact design and high strength.

Product No Capacity Kgf Lift mm Weight Kg
D-840-07-F 800 1500 5.7
D-840-15-F 1600 1500 9.3
D-840-30-F 3200 1500 14.9
D-840-60-F 6300 1500 28.5