Universal Fibre Closure – UFC

ufcThe UFC is a high fibre capacity cap ended ready access closure used for the organisation and protection of fibre optic cable splices in aerial, underground and direct buried installations.

It is available with a singe base configuration having 28 round ports and 2 oval ports for loop through applications. The cover is fitted with a pressure test valve and is available in 4 different lengths depending on the number and type of tray selected. The cover is environmentally sealed to the base using an “O” ring and base to cover clamp whilst the cables are sealed using either heatshrink sleeving or CablelokTM.

The UFC can be supplied with the following tray options:
• 6, 12, 18, 24 or 36 SE-A trays.
• 6, 12, 18, 24 or 36 SMF trays.
• 12, 24, 36, 48 or 72 SC-1 trays.
• 4 Large trays (other quantities available upon request).

The choice of tray will depend on capacity, whether or not interchangeable splice inserts are required, number of tray entries and type of cable and fibre selected.

• Maximum 384 fibre capacity using standard heatshrink splice protectors (SE-A trays).
• Quick release base to cover clamp.
• Kits with heatshrink sealing materials are supplied with 2 sleeves for the B ports, 1 sleeve for the S or T ports and 1 sleeve and branch clip for the oval ports.
• If CablelokTM seals are required as alternative to heatshrink sleeving, these must be ordered separately.
• All units are fitted with loop storage baskets.
• Supplied with cable surface preparation, management and identification materials.